Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Welcome to Free To Be You - Health & Fitness


What I have found is that the more contact I have with my clients, the better the results they get.  Pure and simple.  Not everyone can see me 2 or 3 times a week so I have decided to start a blog as a means of staying in contact and helping you get the changes you want to see.  In the following  months I will be posting a series of articles on a range of health & fitness related topics, testimonials, exercise techniques, special announcements and offers, all designed to inspire you to get up and get moving.  I also want to celebrate the achievements of my hard-working clients who have achieved some amazing results.  By sharing each other's successes, I hope to inspire each and every one of you to set your bar higher, go for it and surprise yourselves with what you can accomplish.  I also encourage everyone to comment on the posts and ask any questions you may have along the way.

Just to get you going, take a look at this video clip of Wendy floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee.  Wendy is not only a one-woman army, she is also a grandmother who has lived with arthritis and osteoporosis. Before she came to train with me she couldn't even do 1 push-up.  Check her out in this short clip for a shot of inspiration.  Can your grandmother do this?

Great stuff don't you think?  By the way, for those who are wondering, Wendy is 57 years old.  I showed this to Wendy and she passed it on to her family.  As expected, they were all blown away by her speed, skill and tenacity on the pads.  My partner Jenn yelled out a very loud "Woohoo!!  Go Wendy!" when you she saw it.  You know who was the only person not blown away by the video clip, yep, you guessed it, Wendy.  This is a little insight into why progress in gym and frankly in pretty much all areas of life is so much more about the mind than the body.  If the head is right, the body will follow. 

Wendy - "Oh!  Is that what I look like?  I thought I was faster than that.  I'm not ducking properly and my hands aren't coming back to my face after each punch fast enough". 

Josh - "Wendy.  This video was a celebration of how far you've come.  It's ok to feel good about it you know"

Wendy - "I know.  But I can see all the things I need to work on now.  I want to be even better than that."

I rest my case.

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