Saturday, June 7, 2014

Celebrating Achievement - Vicky

Meet Vicky.

Vicky and I have been working together on and off for the majority of my career in fitness. Vicky has a rare and admiral drive to continually better herself. Her hard work and determination won her a Phd last year and have also seen her fitness, strength, health and body shape transform in the time we've been working together. I'd love to take credit for Vicky's transformation, but the truth is she came to me 'game ready' and just needed a map and a compass which I provided. Vicky is a great example of someone who has chosen not to let excuses hold her back and she could have easily done that. She comes from a background of larger, heavier body-types and a long-standing culture of eating that would set anyone up for weight gain. She has lost an incredible amount of body fat though hard work and a clean, Paleo-style way of eating. She has one of the best attitudes to life and training I have ever encountered.

Here's a short video of Vicky's story and of her in action. I hope it gives you all a sense of how brilliant she is and why I look forward to our training sessions so much. Between all the laughter, we actually get a lot of training done. Yours in good health.

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