Sunday, April 29, 2012

Celebrating Achievemement - Ayesha

Hi there bloggsters,

It's been too long between updates from me so please accept my apologies for making you wait so long for more inspiration and helpful tips on staying healthy, keeping the weight off and looking & feeling great.  I've got some great information for you so I hope I can appease you all with some quality insights.

Let's kick things off with some inspiration in the form of Ayesha.  This human dynamo hasn't been training with me for as long as many of you, but has won my respect very quickly with her amazing attitude and work ethic.  Check out this 3.5 minute video of Ayesha in action at the gym that tells her story.  Enjoy.

Impressive stuff hey?  Did you see her boxing at the end.  She has only just started but is improving rapidly and loving it.  I have many clients who love keeping fit and want to reduce body fat and have found focus pad boxing a great fun way to do it.  Many people think of boxing as an aggressive sport and may not recognise its potential as a fun and safe form of cardio training.  Trust me.  It is.  You won't believe what it does to your heart rate when you are hitting the pads as fast as you can.  It's also a great way to improve your balance, reflexes and  self-confidence.  This is because I teach proper boxing technique.  So in addition to all the benefits I've already mentioned, you also learn the skill of self-defence. A skill I hope you'll never need to use but may very well save you one day.

Boxing is a little like golf.  It's near impossible to perfect and will remain an ongoing challenge no matter how long you pursue it.  It forces you to concentrate and coordinate your body and mind in ways you may never have encountered before.  Anyone can do it no matter what your age.  I have clients in their 50s and 60s doing it (check out my earlier blog entry of Wendy if you need proof).  Sometimes it'll make you want to scream with frustration, but then on other days you'll put together a complex 16 punch combination and you'll feel bulletproof.  Regardless, you'll burn an astronomical amount of calories in the process.  I've been practicing this skill for nearly 2 years and it still humbles me.  Check out this video clip of my training partner Megan and I putting together some advanced combinations that we've been working on with the help of our great coach Dave.  We work hard, but as you'll see we have a great time doing it.

If your training needs a bit of a shake up and this looks like something you'd like to try, get in touch and I'll arrange a complementary 15 min introductory session for you.

Mobile: 0411951661

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